Hello my readers!!! Thank god, I am finally back after a long hiatus. If you are a subscriber on my YouTube Channel you probably saw the video where I explained what happen to my laptop (sorry I didn't post it in here). Basically, my phone fell on my laptop screen and it broke (the laptop screen). So that is the reason why I wasn't uploading YouTube videos for so long.
Anyway, today I am bringing to you my new YouTube video where I show you what are my essentials, and outfits that I would wear in a Music Festival (WATCH IN 1080p). I am thinking of doing a makeup video for my Festival Season "series".
Also I am waiting for the last couple of things I ordered online so I can make a really HUGE Collective Haul video. Besides the collective haul, I am also going to film a Birthday Haul. That's right this is my birthday month! On April, 24 I turn 22!!!! I should make Taylor Swift's song '22' my theme this year, LOL! (Sighs...) If only I felt as young and fun as the song describes.
Now I'm going to finish my Strawberry Lemonade chiller and I hope you enjoy this video.
PS. Sorry about the voice over; I know my voice sounds horrible.

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